Saturday, January 2, 2016

Practice Positivity

For 2016, I want to practice being positive.  It’s as foreign to me as speaking Swahili.  I’m a negative person by nature.  As a matter of fact, my lifelong mantra has been as follows, “If you never expect good things, you never get disappointed.  If you expect the worst, sometimes you are pleasantly surprised.” My therapist points out that this is faulty thinking.  It presumes that there are only two extremes and no in-betweens.  Life is a full spectrum—from wonderful to tragic;exhilarating to boring;  fantastic to unremarkable.  To fully appreciate the joy, I  suppose you must also experience the sorrow.  

Over the last several weeks, I have made an attempt to be more positive and upbeat (on Facebook, at least).  I have found that posting passive-aggressive or angry statuses, graphics, etc. breeds more discontent.  In other words, it doesn’t help me “get it out of my system” to post those types of things.  It feeds the beast and makes it worse.  So, I’ve been concentrating on uplifting quotes and the like.  The funny thing (ironic, not ha-ha) is that the mad, sad, angry posts get MANY more likes and comments than do the happy, upbeat, hopeful ones.  I’m sure that a large part of that is the nature of Facebook—people like drama.  I, myself, like a bit of it as well.  :)

So, what do I (or a very general “we,” if you like) need to become or remain positive in a world where there is constant upheaval, hatefulness, and dissatisfaction?  I present to you my thoughts on the broad answers to that question (in no particular order):

I’m not a very religious person but I am very spiritual.  I abhor most structured religion for the hypocrisy that runs rampant within its confines.  I tend to look at spirituality allegorically.  For me, it’s not about hard and fast rules so much as it is about that still small voice that I hear in my heart and mind that guides me towards right and wrong.  There is great good and great evil in this world, no doubt, but most of us never reach the outer limits of either (although I could point you in the direction of some folks I think are getting close to the latter).  In my opinion, you need some type of spiritual connection in life, whether it be a higher power, Mother Earth, etc.

Despite the pity parties I throw for myself, I know I am blessed.  I have a warm place to sleep, food to eat, interwebs, a pretty good mind, and good health.   I’ve got it pretty good, and certainly much better than I have had in the past.

For when you’re down and need a boost (or a shoulder to cry on) or when you want to share a laugh or triumph.  I think I hit the lottery with mine but I could be biased.

I don’t do well with goals. If I set them and don’t reach them I feel like a complete failure and it usually spirals down from there. But if you don’t have a goal then you don’t have a marker by which to judge progress.
Here is my BIG PROBLEM.  While I do try to forgive, it’s never a relief of that burden (for that’s exactly what it is if you CAN’T let it go) because I can’t FORGET.  I jokingly say that I still remember things that happened in first grade.  It’s not a very funny joke, however, because few of the things I remember are good. To not forgive is to allow a person or incident to live “rent free” in your head.  To hold a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die.  Remember the lesson but forgive the transgression. I suspect we ALL need some work on this one.  It will be my biggest challenge to becoming a more positive and content person.

Thoughts?  Additions?  Deletions? 



  1. Your smiles and positive posts do bring smiles to the masses! You do make a difference! Forgiving is a great thing...although some of my friends say I forgive too easily, I find that I don't like to be burdened with the issues of not forgiving. Forgiving frees your mind!

    1. Thank you so much! It is wise to remember lessons you learned but let go of the blame, hurt, pain, etc.

  2. Are you going to blog restaurant reviews and where are fresh tater tots in Rome? Anxiously awaiting....Chazzy

    1. Charles, Rome already had the penultimate restaurant reviewer and blogger and I'd be lost in her footsteps. I can always just post pictures of every single food and drink I that I think about it, that's a great idea! I'll make sure and tag you each time. :)

    2. Hahaha. And on your blog, I am Chazzy. And I am here to troll you...LOL. Let the games begin...

  3. You said, "I’m not a very religious person but I am very spiritual." Please help me here. Does that mean you hate God or love God, or which God? And if you're spiritual, does that mean you are a mystic? Do you do palm reading. My grandmother used to read palms. Are you an atheist or agnostic? For me, Elvis is my spirit animal. Does that mean I'm spiritual. Inquiring minds wanna know...
