Monday, January 3, 2022

Do you journal?

The first Monday of the new year seems a good time to start with some journaling, I think. 

Part of being intentional in 2022 is a commitment to writing, whether it be journaling, poetry, or something else.  I ran across this image for journal prompts to overcome overwhelm. I suspect that many of us are dealing with a good deal of overwhelm right now.  This fresh new year sometimes brings with it a lot of fresh new drama (whether we want it or not).  One way to deal with overwhelm is to write it out.  Write it out on paper, like....really write it down.  Journals can be fabulous for clearing out the junk that sticks in our heads and hearts.  Also, if there is trauma with the drama, sometimes it's helpful to burn it after you write it out.  And when you burn it, #LetItGo. 

I'll start with the first question.  What does my overwhelm cycle look like?

My overwhelm shows itself as a never-ending, cyclical, spiral of words (sometimes just one word), thoughts, or images.  My brain won't slow down and it becomes more and more and more like a rat on a wheel.  What it looks like from the outside, I think, is me making obsessive lists, talking non-stop, shaking hands, bad (even worse) eye contact.  It comes up as me being unable to say no even though I am being swallowed whole by overwhelm already and can't possibly do one more thing.

10 Journal Prompts to Overcome Overwhelm 

• What does my overwhelm cycle look like? 

• What overwhelming thoughts do I choose to partake in? 

• What comforting things do I distract myself with when I'm overwhelmed?

• What do I want to feel instead of overwhelmed? 

• What thoughts or behaviors do I need/want to change to do this? 

• What trigger phrase will help me identify when I'm slipping into this pattern? 

• What am I going to do instead of my old overwhelm cycle?

• How can I simplify this process - can I re-arrange, remove or delegate?

• How can I support myself through this? 

• Are there any limiting beliefs I need to let go of in this situation (ex. Fear of failure, fear of disappointing someone, etc.)?

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